Mocking dates and times#

Testing code that involves dates and times or which has behaviour dependent on the date or time it is executed at has historically been tricky. Mocking lets you test this type of code and testfixtures provides three specialised mock objects to help with this.


The testfixtures package provides the mock_date() function that returns a subclass of with a today() method that will return a consistent sequence of dates each time it is called.

This enables you to write tests for code such as the following, from the testfixtures.tests.sample1 package:

from datetime import datetime, date

def str_today_1():
    return str(

Replace can be used to apply the mock as shown in the following example:

>>> from testfixtures import Replace, mock_date
>>> from testfixtures.tests.sample1 import str_today_1
>>> with Replace('', mock_date()):
...    str_today_1()
...    str_today_1()

If you need a specific date to be returned, you can specify it:

>>> with Replace('', mock_date(1978, 6, 13)):
...    str_today_1()

If you need to test with a whole sequence of specific dates, this can be done as follows:

>>> with Replace('', mock_date(None)) as d:
...    d.add(1978, 6, 13)
...    d.add(2009, 11, 12)
...    str_today_1()
...    str_today_1()

Another way to test with a specific sequence of dates is to use the delta_type and delta parameters to mock_date(). These parameters control the type and size, respectively, of the difference between each date returned.

For example, where 2 days elapse between each returned value:

>>> with Replace('',
...              mock_date(1978, 6, 13, delta=2, delta_type='days')) as d:
...    str_today_1()
...    str_today_1()
...    str_today_1()

The delta_type can be any keyword parameter accepted by the timedelta constructor. Specifying a delta of zero can be an effective way of ensuring that all calls to the today() method return the same value:

>>> with Replace('',
...              mock_date(1978, 6, 13, delta=0)) as d:
...    str_today_1()
...    str_today_1()
...    str_today_1()

When using mock_date(), you can, at any time, set the next date to be returned using the set() method. The date returned after this will be the set date plus the delta in effect:

>>> with Replace('', mock_date(delta=2)) as d:
...    str_today_1()
...    d.set(1978,8,1)
...    str_today_1()
...    str_today_1()


The testfixtures package provides the mock_datetime() function that returns a subclass of datetime.datetime with a now() method that will return a consistent sequence of datetime objects each time it is called.

This enables you to write tests for code such as the following, from the testfixtures.tests.sample1 package:

from datetime import datetime, date

def str_now_1():
    return str(

Replace can be used to apply the mock as shown in the following example:

>>> from testfixtures import Replace, mock_datetime
>>> from testfixtures.tests.sample1 import str_now_1
>>> with Replace('testfixtures.tests.sample1.datetime', mock_datetime()):
...    str_now_1()
...    str_now_1()
'2001-01-01 00:00:00'
'2001-01-01 00:00:10'

If you need a specific datetime to be returned, you can specify it:

>>> with Replace('testfixtures.tests.sample1.datetime',
...              mock_datetime(1978, 6, 13, 1, 2, 3)):
...    str_now_1()
'1978-06-13 01:02:03'

If you need to test with a whole sequence of specific datetimes, this can be done as follows:

>>> with Replace('testfixtures.tests.sample1.datetime',
...              mock_datetime(None)) as d:
...    d.add(1978, 6, 13, 16, 0, 1)
...    d.add(2009, 11, 12, 11, 41, 20)
...    str_now_1()
...    str_now_1()
'1978-06-13 16:00:01'
'2009-11-12 11:41:20'

Another way to test with a specific sequence of datetimes is to use the delta_type and delta parameters to mock_datetime(). These parameters control the type and size, respectively, of the difference between each datetime returned.

For example, where 2 hours elapse between each returned value:

>>> with Replace(
...    'testfixtures.tests.sample1.datetime',
...    mock_datetime(1978, 6, 13, 16, 0, 1, delta=2, delta_type='hours')
... ) as d:
...    str_now_1()
...    str_now_1()
...    str_now_1()
'1978-06-13 16:00:01'
'1978-06-13 18:00:01'
'1978-06-13 20:00:01'

The delta_type can be any keyword parameter accepted by the timedelta constructor. Specifying a delta of zero can be an effective way of ensuring that all calls to the now() method return the same value:

>>> with Replace('testfixtures.tests.sample1.datetime',
...              mock_datetime(1978, 6, 13, 16, 0, 1, delta=0)) as d:
...    str_now_1()
...    str_now_1()
...    str_now_1()
'1978-06-13 16:00:01'
'1978-06-13 16:00:01'
'1978-06-13 16:00:01'

When using mock_datetime(), you can, at any time, set the next datetime to be returned using the set() method. The value returned after this will be the set value plus the delta in effect:

>>> with Replace('testfixtures.tests.sample1.datetime',
...              mock_datetime(delta=2)) as d:
...    str_now_1()
...    d.set(1978, 8, 1)
...    str_now_1()
...    str_now_1()
'2001-01-01 00:00:00'
'1978-08-01 00:00:00'
'1978-08-01 00:00:02'


For the examples in this section, we need to have a timezone to work with:

from datetime import tzinfo, timedelta

class ATZInfo(tzinfo):

   def tzname(self, dt):
        return 'A TimeZone'

   def utcoffset(self, dt):
        # In general, this timezone is 5 hours behind UTC
        offset  = timedelta(hours=-5)
        return offset+self.dst(dt)

   def dst(self, dt):
        # However, between March and September, it is only
        # 4 hours behind UTC
        if 3 < dt.month < 9:
            return timedelta(hours=1)
        return timedelta()

By default, the internal queue of datetimes in a mock_datetime() simulates local time in the UTC timezone:

>>> datetime = mock_datetime(delta=0)

This means we get the following when the simulated date is 1st Jan 2001:

>>> datetime.set(2001, 1, 1, 10, 0)
datetime.datetime(2001, 1, 1, 10, 0)
>>> datetime.utcnow()
datetime.datetime(2001, 1, 1, 10, 0)
datetime.datetime(2001, 1, 1, 5, 0, tzinfo=<ATZInfo ...>)

We get the following when the simulated date is 1st Apr 2001:

>>> datetime.set(2001, 4, 1, 10, 0)
datetime.datetime(2001, 4, 1, 10, 0)
>>> datetime.utcnow()
datetime.datetime(2001, 4, 1, 10, 0)
datetime.datetime(2001, 4, 1, 6, 0, tzinfo=<ATZInfo ...>)

If you wish to simulate a different local time, you should pass its datetime.tzinfo to the mock_datetime() constructor:

>>> datetime = mock_datetime(delta=0, tzinfo=ATZInfo())

This means we get the following when the simulated date is 1st Jan 2001:

>>> datetime.set(2001, 1, 1, 10, 0)
datetime.datetime(2001, 1, 1, 10, 0)
>>> datetime.utcnow()
datetime.datetime(2001, 1, 1, 15, 0)
datetime.datetime(2001, 1, 1, 10, 0, tzinfo=<ATZInfo ...>)

We get the following when the simulated date is 1st Apr 2001:

>>> datetime.set(2001, 4, 1, 10, 0)
datetime.datetime(2001, 4, 1, 10, 0)
>>> datetime.utcnow()
datetime.datetime(2001, 4, 1, 14, 0)
datetime.datetime(2001, 4, 1, 10, 0, tzinfo=<ATZInfo ...>)


For your own sanity, you should avoid using the tzinfo parameter or passing datetime instances with non-None tzinfo attributes when calling add() or set().


The testfixtures package provides the mock_time() function that, when called, returns a replacement for the time.time() function.

This enables you to write tests for code such as the following, from the testfixtures.tests.sample1 package:

from time import time

def str_time():
    return str(time())

Replace can be used to apply the mock as shown in the following example:

>>> from testfixtures import Replace, mock_time
>>> from testfixtures.tests.sample1 import str_time
>>> with Replace('testfixtures.tests.sample1.time', mock_time()):
...    str_time()
...    str_time()

If you need an integer representing a specific time to be returned, you can specify it:

>>> with Replace('testfixtures.tests.sample1.time',
...              mock_time(1978, 6, 13, 1, 2, 3)):
...    str_time()

If you need to test with a whole sequence of specific timestamps, this can be done as follows:

>>> with Replace('testfixtures.tests.sample1.time', mock_time(None)) as t:
...    t.add(1978, 6, 13, 16, 0, 1)
...    t.add(2009, 11, 12, 11, 41, 20)
...    str_time()
...    str_time()

Another way to test with a specific sequence of timestamps is to use the delta_type and delta parameters to mock_time(). These parameters control the type and size, respectively, of the difference between each timestamp returned.

For example, where 2 hours elapse between each returned value:

>>> with Replace(
...     'testfixtures.tests.sample1.time',
...     mock_time(1978, 6, 13, 16, 0, 1, delta=2, delta_type='hours')
... ) as d:
...    str_time()
...    str_time()
...    str_time()

The delta_type can be any keyword parameter accepted by the timedelta constructor. Specifying a delta of zero can be an effective way of ensuring that all calls to the time() function return the same value:

>>> with Replace('testfixtures.tests.sample1.time',
...              mock_time(1978, 6, 13, 16, 0, 1, delta=0)) as d:
...    str_time()
...    str_time()
...    str_time()

When using mock_time(), you can, at any time, set the next timestamp to be returned using the set() method. The value returned after this will be the set value plus the delta in effect:

>>> with Replace('testfixtures.tests.sample1.time', mock_time(delta=2)) as d:
...    str_time()
...    d.set(1978, 8, 1)
...    str_time()
...    str_time()

Gotchas with dates and times#

Using these specialised mock objects can have some intricacies as described below:

Local references to functions#

There are situations where people may have obtained a local reference to the today() or now() methods, such as the following code from the testfixtures.tests.sample1 package:

from datetime import datetime, date

now =

def str_now_2():
    return str(now())
today =

def str_today_2():
    return str(today())

In these cases, you need to be careful with the replacement:

>>> from testfixtures import Replacer, mock_datetime
>>> from testfixtures.tests.sample1 import str_now_2, str_today_2
>>> with Replacer() as replace:
...    today = replace('', mock_date().today)
...    now = replace('', mock_datetime().now)
...    str_today_2()
...    str_now_2()
'2001-01-01 00:00:00'

Use with code that checks class types#

When using the above specialist mocks, you may find code that checks the type of parameters passed may get confused. This is because, by default, mock_datetime and mock_date return instances of the real datetime and date classes:

>>> from testfixtures import mock_datetime
>>> from datetime import datetime
>>> datetime_ = mock_datetime()
>>> issubclass(datetime_, datetime)
>>> type(

The above behaviour, however, is generally what you want as other code in your application and, more importantly, in other code such as database adapters, may handle instances of the real datetime and date classes, but not instances of the mock_datetime and mock_date mocks.

That said, this behaviour can cause problems if you check the type of an instance against one of the mock classes. Most people might expect the following to return True:

>>> isinstance(datetime_(2011, 1, 1), datetime_)
>>> isinstance(, datetime_)

If this causes a problem for you, then both datetime and date take a strict keyword parameter that can be used as follows:

>>> datetime_ = mock_datetime(strict=True)
>>> type(
<class 'testfixtures.datetime.MockDateTime'>
>>> isinstance(, datetime_)

You will need to take care that you have replaced occurrences of the class where type checking is done with the correct mock_datetime or mock_date. Also, be aware that the date() method of mock_datetime instances will still return a normal date instance. If type checking related to this is causing problems, the type the date() method returns can be controlled as shown in the following example:

from testfixtures import mock_date, mock_datetime

date_type = mock_date(strict=True)
datetime_type = mock_datetime(strict=True, date_type=date_type)

With things set up like this, the date() method will return an instance of the MockDate mock:

>>> somewhen =
MockDate(2001, 1, 1)
>>> type(_) is date_type